Sunday, January 11, 2015

Looking to 2015

2014 was a big year for me. I moved across the country, started a new job, bought a condo, and became a landlord. I don't know if my 2015 can top that year, but I'm going to have to try!

  • Pass the Illinois Bar Exam
    • I passed the Michigan Bar Exam in July 2012. Unfortunately, reciprocity doesn't kick in until you practice for 5 years. So I have to take the Illinois Bar Exam. I am not looking forward to this. I have started studying. All of my free time will go toward passing this exam for the next 50ish days. Let's hope I can cram in a ton of information that I will likely never use again into my little brain.
  • Pass a rigorous fitness test
    • I failed a fitness test this week. The test is for a very specific purpose. I can tell you about it in person if you have specific questions. I did well on the first two tasks, but the push ups is where I faltered. I have a chance to retake the test within 90 days. All of my time not spent working or studying, will be spent exercising so I can build up the endurance that I need for this fitness test. 
  • Make my house my home
    • I'm not a big pinterest user and still have trouble seeing a lot of value in many of the things that I see on pinterest. However, it does provide some good ideas for design inept people like me. 
    • I also need to make some minor repairs. I imagine I will learn a lot of things this year regarding home ownership and mechanics.
  • Use my vacation time
    • Since I am taking 3 weeks off in February to study for the bar exam, I imagine that I will succeed in this goal. However, I would like to travel somewhere new this year. I'm thinking about Puerto Rico since the flight is reasonable, the time difference is minimal, and the country has a lot of variety with city, beach, and forest. I'm also thinking about taking a driving trip somewhere relatively close. See some other cities that may be a little less famous, but still have a lot to offer.

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