Monday, February 21, 2011

Spring Break?

I don't think I thought this through very carefully. ... I'm on spring break. I'm hanging out in the Library and looking at gray skies and a high of 34 F and snow showers. I thought getting away would be amazing!

But then I forgot that it was still winter, and decided to go to Chicago for my Spring Break. What was I thinking?

The previous 3 breaks that I've had, I've spent in the Law Library working on papers. At least for this one, I'm in a library with windows... (and editing rather than writing papers)

I've also learned that I really do have a cat allergy. I thought I was making it up. Well, the red eyes and wheezes tell me that I wasn't making it up. We'll see what Claritin does for me.


Melanie Carbine said...

I was quite certain that you were allergic to cats when you came over to Alane's.

Melanie said...

Since then, I've been able to be around cats more though. I lived with a cat this summer for 6 weeks and I was fine.