Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Change of Scenery

I have been wanting to make a job change for awhile. My job has had its ups and downs and, overall, it's a decent job. But it's just not what I want to be doing with the rest of my life. 

I had a pretty decent lead on a new job, but then something out of the blue came up and I decided to take it. I don't think I realized how difficult it is to uproot your whole life. I mean, I hadn't lived in any one location for more than 8 months over the last 9 years. So I was used to moving. But after having finally lived in one place for almost a year and a half, you have your life pretty well established. I have my routine, my budget, my friends, and my activities pretty much worked out. So picking up and starting over again is definitely going to be a transition for me.

It's also a scary change since I don't really know how this new opportunity will shape my future career. But I feel like it's a good move and now is the time to take some risks. And at least I will be moving to a city that I love.

In the end, everything always works out. I have about 9 days left in our nation's capitol. It's been good to me, but I'm excited to head back to Chicago.

My new office building is in the background here. 

This article has also helped me realize that even though I feel some uncertainty and fear, I can make this decision "the right" decision. I am my own agent and this decision is the right decision for me right now.

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