Thursday, January 17, 2013

Lack of Diversity

One of my coworkers guessed that in a random picture of me, I would be wearing purple. As it turns out - I  was. And as I thought about it, I realized that I wear a lot of purple. So I went to my closet and gathered my purple clothes and took a photo. I probably have a couple of additional pieces that I didn't see right away.

Maybe to you this doesn't seem like that much purple. But this is probably 1/4 of my clothes. I wear purple at least once and probably often twice a week... I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But apparently, I'm the purple girl.

Sorry this post wasn't that interesting. But I hope you feel better about your wardrobe now. And I hope you iron. Because obviously, I don't.


Amy said...

I can totally relate to this :). When I was a freshman in college I realized that everything I bought was blue, so I started to deliberately buy other colors. A couple years later I realized that when I deliberately bought other colors, it was almost always red, so most of my wardrobe had become red. I feel like I'm better at diversifying now, but it's still really hard to keep myself from gravitating toward my color of the moment.

Ashley said...

I feel super famous now! Also if you want a laugh.. type in just made that mistake.

Melanie said...

@ Amy: it's so hard to evenly buy an interesting array of clothes. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one.

@ Ashley: too funny!