Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Year is Dying

My life has definitely had its ups and downs this year. But taking the year as a whole and reflecting on what I've done; I have to admit, it turned out pretty good. I mean, I graduated from law school, passed the bar exam, and I have a job. So all in all, things are working out alright for me. Now granted, my current job isn't my dream job, but other than that, I really have no place to complain. 

Today in church one of the speakers said, "If there is something that's not working in your life, you can  always change it." That's so true. If it's not working, I have to change something. So, I'm currently figuring out how to change my job situation. But for now, I'm just going to be happy with how 2012 turned out and welcome 2013's exciting challenges and adventures.

I mean, I was able to see the Violin Monster in NOVA. 

It's a guy from Ann Arbor, who plays the violin while wearing this mask:

Definitely worth the price of admission [that I didn't even pay]

My parents visited me for Christmas. We packed in a lot of adventure into a few short days. Here are the Washington DC Temple Lights. I thoroughly enjoyed their visit, and can't wait to see them in February. 

Happy New Year!

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