Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I definitely realized that I am officially an adult. I've graduated from college. I've graduated from graduate school. I'm trying to figure out where I'm going for my first real job (news to come soon). And I'm getting old.

To try an avoid being out of touch with the young whipper-snappers, I finally decided to look up YOLO this week because it's everywhere. Well, that and I had no idea what it meant.

You Only Live Once.

Really? That's what it stands for? That's disappointing.

It's not even a new idea...

Haven't we had that whole "eat drink and be merry because tomorrow we die" thing since the printing press made the Bible available to the masses? (ok I'm not that old). But I felt old because I had to look up the phrase to begin with.

I was hoping it was a new Trololo guy since he died earlier this year. I wouldn't mind having more of this:

But alas. It's not. YOLO is just a reminder that I'm not in high school any more. (which I'm totally fine with, but I do like keeping up with things... not the Kardashians, but other pop culture-y things).

In other getting old news, I heard Eminem's "My Name Is" on the radio today, which brought me back to middle school. And then I thought about tan M&M's and how kids that are going to college this year don't know Eminem* or tan M&M's because they were born in 1994. Born.In.1994. I know that's not even a decade after I was born, but it just seems crazy that everyone is just getting older.

*Ok. Maybe they do know who Eminem is, but "Love the way you lie" just isn't the same as getting the real slim shady to stand up.


Melanie Carbine said...

This has been happening to me a lot as I'm working with a lot of women 8-10 years younger than me. It happens a lot with movies. An 18 year old told me that Spirited Away scared her when she was little (like 4 or 5) and I said that my friend Graham had taken me out to see that as a date. Or, when Disney songs are on that I don't recognize. As a teenager I became really aware that Disney was appropriating other cultures for their stories (Hi Aladdin, I don't actually think you're all barbarians like it says in the song), and not only appropriating other cultures but changing the stories. So, I stopped watching them for awhile starting with Pocahontus. Except, all of those Disney movies that I didn't see on principle are the ones these girls grew up.

Lynn said...

With you -- for me, it always hits when I'm at the grocery store and I see the "you must be born on or before this date in the year [XXXX] to buy alcohol/tobacco" stickers. Those dates are creeping closer and closer to Erin's birth year...scary! :)

Melanie said...

We're so old! (not really) But when did that happen?

Marti said...

That Trololololo video is hilarious! Why was that put on television?! And why was it famous?