Monday, October 17, 2011

Where is the time going? (and dating inquiry)

I haven't updated in awhile. But my life is going well. I'm feeling good about most things. Hopeful about my interview this week and hopeful about other life goals. In the past few weeks, I have been able to go on some adventures.

Delicate Arch, Arches National Park 

Pumpkin Patch in Santaquin, Utah, with my roommates

Another photo from the pumpkin patch 

San Diego with my last mission companion, Marti.

I've had some good adventures. Yesterday, I went hiking in Rock Canyon, and it was absolutely gorgeous. I cannot believe no one has taken me hiking there before! I would upload photos from that, but I'm too lazy.

Tonight, we had a dating fireside. I used to really hate any mention of marriage and dating because it just annoyed me to no end. Now that I'm older, I think I'm a little mellower, and I take things as they are intended rather than people accusing me of not fulfilling my obligations as a LDS woman. Overall, I think that the question selection was pretty poor, but the Stake President had some good points and counsel. One person asked why do all the same girls constantly get asked out while some "nice" girls never get asked out. A panel member asked her to clarify if the "nice" girls were the timid ones, and she said, the not conventionally beautiful girls. It was dramatic. (I'm 'pc'-ing the statement a little bit). I think that beauty and confidence are linked and that is part of the issue. One guy said, ask out the guys, they are flattered when a girl asks them out and they will say yes. She then countered saying, I have been rejected by guys more than girls would typically reject guys for a first date. It was all very intense. 

I personally have asked out many guys in my life, and it is scary, but it generally works out fine. I have been rejected as well, and that turns out fine too. Maybe a little awkward at first, but I'm pretty confident with myself that it has all worked out in the end anyway.

I am going to share my "Dating Tupperware Theory":
I think that we can analogize people to tupperware dishes. Many of them are the same shape and there are many different lids that look like they fit the container, but they don't end up closing properly. The lid just doesn't fit right. Most people have to try on a few lids before they find the one that actually fits. However, some people are star-shaped tupperware containers, and they can spot their tupperware lid from a mile away and it's the only one that fits. That is why you see some couples and think, "they were made for each other." (you know what I mean). But for most of us, it's a daunting task to try on all of the tupperware lids. One day, we'll find the right one, but we just have to keep on trying on different lids until that point.

(I tell this theory better in person)

I have a couple of dating questions that I wish the panel would have discussed.
1. Is it really true that the fact that I'm in law school is so intimidating to people that they don't want to date me? I really think that is terrible if it's true, because why wouldn't you want someone who is intelligent, can continue to carry on conversations, and has a life plan?
2. Why can I not get past the first date? How can I go from 'getting to know you' first dates to an actual relationship? I went out with a guy this weekend that I'd really like to go on another date with, but it took him like 3 months to ask me out. How can I spur the relationship to advance at all? How long should I wait around to a. see if he asks me out or b. ask him out on a second date myself? So much uncertainty. Why is dating so hard?

I doubt you've made it this far, but if you have any dating suggestions/solutions, I'd be happy to hear them and try them out.

1 comment:

Melanie Carbine said...

"Now that I'm older, I think I'm a little mellower, and I take things as they are intended rather than people accusing me of not fulfilling my obligations as a LDS woman."

Way to be open-minded!