Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Laboring Away

My Labor Day weekend was just "ok." I wanted to drive down to Moab and hike Arches National Park. But alas, I couldn't get enough people to come with me to make the trip worthwhile.

So instead, I broke into the law school on Saturday so I could do my homework.

Yes, I'm that nerdy.

The reason I had to break into the law school was because the power went out on Friday (Construction error), and they sent an email stating that we had to retrieve our homework by 5pm on Friday. Well, not only did I not get a free day on Friday because I work in Salt Lake, but I didn't get to retrieve my homework by 5pm.

Many people find it ironic that I broke into the law school so that I could retrieve my books in order to complete my homework. Maybe Alanis Morissette could rework her song.


Elizabeth Downie said...

So sad you couldn't get people to go with you to Moab! :(

HollBurd said...

Morale of the story... You should have come to Oregon. It would have been worthwhile whether or not anyone came with you :)