Tuesday, August 31, 2010


So I made it through about 10 interviews. Thus far, I haven't heard anything back indicating yes or no. Most firms said they would get back to me after Labor Day. I'm really hoping for good news. I think my best interview was with a firm in Phoenix. But I'm just keeping an open mind. (um, I don't know if I can physically live in Phoenix... there is a reason Vernors is popular in Florida and not Phoenix).

My new Bishop is a Harvard Law grad and worked for BigLaw (Kirkland and Ellis) in DC and LA. So who knows if he can help me out, give me a letter of recommendation, etc. He basically said, in a normal economy, you'd be good to go, but in this economy, it's a little tougher. I'm working on optimism. I hope that if I bang on enough doors (figuratively speaking by sending emails), I'll eventually find a place to work, where I'd like to work. I've been focusing a bit on Chicago. In the past couple of days I've sent my resume to7ish law firms in Chicago. I have about 8 more on the list. So that's what I'm tackling right now.

In other news, my dating life has been pretty interesting as of late. Not exactly how I'd like it to go, but I am dating, so that's something I suppose.


Lex said...

we clearly need to chat ms. potato....

Elizabeth Downie said...

When are you done with school?

Melanie said...

I am done with school in April 2012. How law school works though is that you interview in the fall of your 2nd year for jobs for your second summer. You would be called a "summer associate." At the end of the summer, they typically make you an offer for when you graduate. Which is also why law school is known as:
1st year they scare you to death
2nd year they work you to death
3rd year they bore you to death

However, with the economy, many firms are not hiring summer associates, or if they are, they are hiring significantly less. So that's where I'm at right now...