Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Sneaky

I feel like the guys that ask me out are getting sneakier and sneakier.

Case and point: A guy that I barely met and wasn't particularly interested in asked me for my phone number. I didn't have a particular reason to say no. He didn't call me for a week, so I figured that he lost interest, and I was fine with that.

As with most dating related speculations, I was wrong. He called me and suggested we go out on Saturday. I remembered that he said that he worked Friday nights, so I told him that I was busy on Saturday night, thinking that it would have to be postponed until the next week. He said, well, let me see if I can switch my schedule so we can go out on Friday instead. ... ok, I suppose.

The date was set for Friday, and I'm basically dreading this date all week because I don't really want to go, but I don't really have a good excuse not to - other than the fact that I'm not really interested. In my head I'm thinking, "I might as well go to give the guy a chance, since I don't really know him, and if it's a bad date, I can write a blog post about it." (all future suitors beware)

The date wasn't particularly bad. But it wasn't particularly good, either. However, this guy is super sneaky! At the beginning of the date (like 20 minutes in) he asks me if I want to go ice skating with him next Saturday.


How can you ask me that at the beginning of the date? I can't say no because that will make the rest of this date pretty miserable. But I can't say yes because I don't really want to go. (I guess I wasn't really giving him much of a chance after all). So I told him I'd have to check my schedule because I didn't know what I was doing...

How did he know that he already wanted to go out with me again? I wasn't particularly charming or interesting on the entire date! I did have a bit of a cold and blew my nose several times. It was gross.

Dating rule: you can only ask someone out for the next date at the end of the date or when you're not on a date. Otherwise, there is no good way to decline if desired.

We went to a movie, and for every preview, he also said, "do you want to see that movie?" or "we should see that movie." No. I do not want to make plans to see a movie that comes out in May with you. I just don't. Can we please take it one date at a time?

Dating is hard...

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